Funded by the European Union

Project: 101084405 - CRONUS - HORIZON -CL5-2021-D3-03

Research on Sustainability Transitions

The overall approach is built on insights from research on ‘sustainability transitions’ that analyses innovation within socio-technical systems.

13 partners from 8 countries

The project will be delivered by 13 participant organisations representing 8 European countries

5 Functional Prototypes

Functional prototypes developed from optimised lab-scale technological processes will be designed, constructed and tested


5 Functional Prototypes

CRONUS addresses the current gaps in biofuels production, namely the carbon waste and biogenic effluent gases

The overall objective of CRONUS is to develop, assess and test 5 new integrated and sustainable technological solutions for highly efficient biogenic effluent gases CUS within the biofuels value chain.

  • enzymatic capture of CO2
  • autotrophic algae cultivation
  • biological CO2 hydrogenation
  • syngas biomethanation
  • biogenic carbon storage through biochar production
  • in-situ biomethanation using Microbial Electrolysis Cells

The Prototypes

5 Functional Prototypes will be designed, constructed and tested

In order to achieve a strategic capture, utilization and storage of biogenic effluent gases within biofuels production lines, integrated processes will be up-scaled according to the optimized scenarios derived during lab scale investigation. In this context, 5 Functional Prototypes will be designed, constructed and tested in a relevant environment.

Question & Answer

Objectives of the CRONUS project

Objective 1

Detailed analysis and evaluation of inter and intraregional biogenic effluent gases within biofuels value chain

Objective 2

Engagement of society in the co-design, co-development and co-implementation of carbon negative biofuels innovations

Objective 3

Development of efficient, clean, sustainable, secure and competitive technological solutions for biogenic gases utilisation within the biofuels value chain

Objective 4

Comprehensive identification and assessment of the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the new proposed solutions through a life-cycle assessment

Objective 5

Definition of the guidelines for industrialisation and application of the biogenic gases CUS technologies

Objective 6

To bridge scientists and policymakers

Objective 7

To disseminate and communicate CRONUS objective and results


Latest News

Stay tuned with the progress of the CRONUS project

7 February2025

CRONUS included in a specially commissioned Projects Info Pack by REPowerEU

Amazing news! CRONUS is among 15 selected projects, included in a specially commissioned Projects Info Pack by REPowerEU, on innovative biomethane that are contributing to boosting its production and place in the EU energy market.

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7 February2025

CRONUS 2nd Annual Meeting in Montpellier, France.

This Thursday and Friday, we had the pleasure of attending the 2nd Annual Meeting of the CRONUS Horizon Project at CIRAD’s premises in Montpellier. It was an incredible opportunity to bring together leading experts, researchers, and partners from across Europe to collaborate on innovative solutions for sustainable biofuel production and carbon capture technologies. Thank you […]

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5 February2025

Article: From Microalgae to Biofuels: Investigating Valorization Pathways Towards Biorefinery Integration

We are pleased to inform you that the article “From Microalgae to Biofuels: Investigating Valorization Pathways Towards Biorefinery Integration” has been published in Processes as part of the Special Issue Progress on Biomass Processing and Conversion and is available online at the following links:

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CRONUS will deliver a unique platform of novel technologies, suitable for easy integration to the existing biofuels production plants, able to upcycle dissimilar kinds of biogenic effluent gases to biofuels ready to be distributed within installed grids and biochar, as biogenic carbon sink.